Endocrine Disorders

                        Endocrines are glands which do not have ducts to carry the secretions to the destination organs. The secretions get mixed with the blood directly without passing through ducts / channels.The capillaries in the gland directly absorb the secretions of the gland.

                        The well known endocrines in the human body are : Pituirary gland, Thyroid gland, Parathyroid gland,Thymus gland, Adrenal gland, Ovary, Islet cell of Langerhan of the pancreas, Testis etc. The secretions of these glands are called hormones.

Hyperthyroidism    Hypothyroidism   Drugs used in thyrotoxicosis (anti-thyroid drugs)  Thyroid storm    Addison's Disease     Cushing's syndrome    Pancreatitis      Pancreatitis Nursing    Insulin Preparations     Complications of insulin therapy

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